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I had a revelation about reincarnation in the shower yesterday. I do not find it difficult to believe in reincarnation after this life because I have experienced reincarnation in this life several times. Two of which I'm particularly aware.

First, in an effort to not mince words, perhaps what I'm about to describe isn't technically the meaning of reincarnation, but more along the lines of reinvention, however, since both instances encapsulate the death of a world, accompanied by the rebirth and remaking of a new life, I'm rolling comfortably with reincarnation.

The day my world died is how I've often verbalized the shattering of my first marriage. I'll spare you the details because frankly, it's not important nor unique to me. We all suffer disappointment, betrayal, and loss at some point in life, and since none of us are what we once were, it really feels unfair, and small, to recount and belabor past perceived offenses. What I describe below shall, I hope, suffice to allow the reader to identify.

I was 30 years old the day my world died. In one earth-shattering moment, I found out that everything I held as true, was a complete and total lie. My whole life felt like a sham. From that moment of truth (reality is truth--If this is news to you, may I highly recommend Katie Byron's book Loving What Is-Four Questions that will Change your Life), I died. Something inside me perished and--like a phoenix from the ashes--I had to arise anew. It was a rebirth, a total reincarnation. Nothing was the same. Everything was new. I moved forward and built a new, and different life.

And so it goes. We are constantly reinventing ourselves. Changing, progressing, evolving, and hopefully, becoming better each day. I believe I am not alone in these type of reincarnations. There are radical instances in each of our lives where we can look back and say "that is a moment where everything changed for me." These instances where truth is revealed, shattering old paradigms, beliefs, or ways of being, are reincarnations if they result in a rebirth, a rebuilding, or a new way of being.

I am fresh in the middle of my another reincarnation. Over a year ago, I lost my religion. My eyes were opened and I awakened to truths that revealed my former truths as non-truths. Since my religion was my life, not only here and now, but into the eternities, my world and future worlds died. I have been reborn and now building a new life. It's not radically different in appearance than my life from before, but internally, nothing much feels the same. It is the most exhilarating, rewarding journey of all my lives thus far. I am free to believe what feels true to me. I have cast off all inherited beliefs that do not suit me nor ring true for me. I am learning and growing at an accelerated pace. I've never felt so happy, fulfilled, optimistic, and free. I feel like I'm finally becoming me.

You know what's really interesting? I used to fear change and death, but understanding reincarnation has helped me see that every death brings a rebirth. Every time my world has died, I have been blessed to rebuild a better world and commence a life better suited for me.

I feel so grateful to know that endings are really just new beginnings where the possibilities are limited only by me and my imagination. Since I have experienced reincarnation at least twice in this life, I do not find it hard to believe in reincarnation eternally. Line upon line, precept upon precept, life upon life.


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