I'm considering whether I want to continue the daily practice of writing. Originally, I set a goal to write daily for one year. I have now written daily for 17 months. My thoughts have definitely evolved and thinking out loud has transformed me deeply, but as my desire to one day write a book has waned--basically, I've come to realize that I'm never going to say anything someone hasn't already said. There are no new truths and I'm probably not the best person to communicate truths anyway--especially because the longer I live the less sure I get of anything I thought I knew and the more certain I become of how little I know.
But since I consider the evolution of thought and transformation of character a nobler endeavor than writing a piece that becomes a New York Times Best-Seller, I am reticent to jettison the daily habit.
So perhaps I will adopt a compromise. I shall simply write when I feel moved so to do. This concept is difficult for the "all or nothing Janelle" as she says, "You must be in or out--half-measures won't do." And since I don't want to be an all or nothing kind of gal--instead, I want to allow, today marks the first day wherein I will allow myself to write whenever I feel like writing. No more daily commitments to think out loud. I intend to spend less time in my head for I'm no great philosopher, just a recovering mystic.
But since I consider the evolution of thought and transformation of character a nobler endeavor than writing a piece that becomes a New York Times Best-Seller, I am reticent to jettison the daily habit.
So perhaps I will adopt a compromise. I shall simply write when I feel moved so to do. This concept is difficult for the "all or nothing Janelle" as she says, "You must be in or out--half-measures won't do." And since I don't want to be an all or nothing kind of gal--instead, I want to allow, today marks the first day wherein I will allow myself to write whenever I feel like writing. No more daily commitments to think out loud. I intend to spend less time in my head for I'm no great philosopher, just a recovering mystic.
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