I'd rather be a spiritual explorer than a spiritual seeker. At least that is what Tami Simon of Sounds True Audio said this morning. I liked her explanation. Seeker implies that something is missing. Explorer connotes a sense of adventure and excitement. Exploring truth also implies that there is a lot of truth to be found and enjoyed everywhere. . . it comes from a place of abundance. Seeking feels like there is a lack of truth and one must scour the planet to find it. It reminds me of the scarcity mentality and seems to imply that there is only one right way. You and I know that this just isn't so. What Sounds True to you, may not ring true for me. Can truth really be relative? Now absolute vs. relative truth is another post for another day. For now, this explorer is headed to bed--to dream up a mix of adventures!
I don’t know if you’re like me or not, but I was born into the one and only “true” religion of God. I spent my entire life studying and living the principles and teachings of my faith. I knew the doctrine, and I believed it to be true. Until I didn’t. The road to the unraveling of my faith is a rather long one—definitely another article for another day--but suffice it to say, I began studying other religions and realized that all of them contained beautiful truths. I felt as uplifted and inspired while reading their scriptures as I did reading mine. I understood why some referred to religion as a “faith culture” for I was now aware that had I been born and raised in a different religion, I’d have believed that religious tradition to be true. I came to see religions as merely vehicles leading us back to God. Surely God didn’t care whether his children drove jalopies or Jaguars so long as they were moving along the superhighway back to Him. Or could it be her? Or perhaps there wasn’t ju...
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