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Cato and Speech

I'm grateful this morning for the Stoics, particularly Cato's quote about why he rarely spoke. His reply:

I speak only when I'm sure that what I have to say is better not left unsaid. 

Cato's quote reminded me of the Jewish wisdom called The Three Pillars of Speech. Basically, you should only speak if what you are about to say passes the following:

1) Is it true
2) Is it kind
3) Is it necessary

If what you are about to say cannot pass the 3 pillars, then don't say it! These are wise words that I'm constantly trying to remember and apply. Additionally, I loved many other Stoic teachings that graced my ears as I climbed my triple hills this morning on my road bike. It was the first time this year that I pulled out Doc and pounded the pavement.

Another thought I enjoyed was Marcus Aurelias's analogy of the family banquet. He cautioned against the impertinence of reaching across the table to grab the dish of food you want or serving yourself up heaping amounts despite the many others. In the first instance, you would be wise to wait patiently for your desired dish to make its way around the family table where you can then place a modest portion on your plate. Patience and consideration are their own rewards. Greed, on the other hand, is distasteful and bad manners. Plus, at a family banquet, there is always plenty of food. Sure you may not get the dish you want the most if you patiently wait your turn--instead of just reaching across the table and grabbing it straightway, but there are plenty of other delectables and you surely won't go hungry. Your turn will come so sit back and relax and don't forget to dish up some of everything that comes your way so you can delight in every bite.

There were many other stories and thoughts, most had to do with the importance of controlling your emotions and not reacting. I do feel that one of the greatest measures of a human being is their ability to act, not react.

Finally, I loved the reminders to enjoy the present moment. Stoics should be credited with developing the modern-day mindfulness and meditation movement for they knew the importance of not worrying about the past or harboring anxiety about the future. They too believed that the only thing in our control right now is how we act right now. And anything not in our control is out of our control and therefore not worth worrying about today, tomorrow, or forevermore. We do the best we can with what we have and when we make a mistake, we learn from it. What a joyously wonderful, rewarding way to live!

So today I'm grateful for the Stoic philosophy! And particularly for Cato's beautiful reminder about speech. Talk less. Listen more. And only speak if what you have to say is better not left unsaid.


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