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Vivid Mind Visitations

I've got an emerging theory about supernatural occurrences that I'm experimenting with. I am trying to confidently conclude that all my experiences with spirits have been--and will continue to be-- occurrences solely of the mind.  Rather than recreate my thoughts, I'll add the conversation I had via text with a friend wherein I feel I already adequately made my ideas quite clear:

I had such a fun experience last night. Every now and then I have what I like to call “spirit” encounters. Well, what is fascinating to me is that the more I have studied dreams, lucid dreaming, the subconscious mind, and the supernatural, the more I realize that my "spirit encounters" are actually dream paralysis, lucid dreams, and subconscious visions all happening in my mind. I've never done drugs so I don’t know what a hallucination is like, but I wonder if a hallucination is similar to what I've experienced in these dream/waking states?

Wow, that’s a big revelation. Are you saying you don’t think there was ever any physical beings showing up... just really vivid mind visitations?

Yes, you've summed it up so perfectly--really vivid mind visitations! And DUDE they are so vivid and feel so real. In fact, if you didn’t have the scientific understanding you would THiNK and believe 100% that they were real!

The only reason I am realizing them for what they are now is that as I’ve studied how the subconscious works--especially the temporal lobes (the God Center)--I can now be cognizant of what’s going on when they occur. Had I only ever had one experience, I’d not be able to be conclusive, but since I have them regularly, I can recognize them for what they are. Additionally, I can do as the experts suggest and experiment inside the experience.

It’s like learning how to use your controller in a virtual reality world so that you get better at moving around and executing moves. The more familiar you get with the virtual world (in this case the subconscious world) the easier it is to make sense of your experience. Instead of feeling all disoriented and scared, I have my bearings and can observe my experience for what it is. 

Can you teach someone how to do it?

Of course!
But they have to practice.

Just takes real energy an practice?

However, I have to wonder if there is a little bit of a proclivity to it? I never would have gotten into dream work, spirituality, and the subconscious mind like I have had I not had some of these initial experiences. I mean it took me having these “visions” and “appearances” to want to figure out exactly what was going on.

Born natural talent

Ha!, BUT for the record, I’m not saying this is the highest level of experience, or that what occurs to me ISN'T influenced by spirits. I’m toying right now with the following hypotheses: 

1) Spirits influence the subconscious mind? Meaning they can whisper in our ears or their energy can flow over and through us and create the experience that then unfolds in our subconscious mind. 

The reason I toy with this idea is that there is always a rushing of wind or rustling breezes that precedes these supernatural experiences. It makes sense to me that this is spirit energy. I don’t think my mind could have made up this feeling from nowhere. And as I've studied the work of mystics and energy practitioners, I've noticed that they explain spirit appearances and "other-world" energies in exactly the same way. I find it highly important to note that I recognized this pattern far before ever coming across their works. This discovery leads me to believe that this phenomenon is part of some type of universal experience. 

I've noticed too, that the rushing of wind, and/or the gentle rustling breeze (like the quaking aspen trees) accompanies the positive spirit visitations. On the other hand, the heralding of a negative energy, or not so positive spirit, is a heaviness you can feel. Their weight actually presses upon you and you can feel it just like it is their body or essence sitting on you--or in aggressive instances--attacking you.

Non-aggressive spirit energies/bodies--but still not positive energy/spirits--will make a depression next to you. Like you will literally feel it push down the bed or couch, or wherever you happen to be. SO not sure what is causing that--unless, again, it has to do with my hypothesis #2.

Hypothesis #2) My subconscious mind creates the feeling of wind/breeze, goosebumps, weighted depressions, etc. What I'm experiencing as my reality is actually just another part of the subconscious simulation. The actual rushing of wind or gentle breeze is merely a figment of my imagination, or in other words my subconsciously stimulated "virutal reality" 

Obviously, I need to continue experimenting with these types of experiences to reach a conclusive theory. I hope that there is more than just subconscious simulations at play here. I want to believe that there does exist supernatural beings and that I can indeed really interact with them outside of my subconscious mind. I want to have a fully cognizant, conscious, and physical encounter. One that I cannot later explain away with science as simply a subconscious hallucination.

What's crazy to consider though is the fact that had you asked me over a year ago if the experiences I have had--the ones that I am now confident were simply vivid mind visitations--were really spiritual, supernatural appearances and occurrences, I would have confidently claimed, "Yes!" And now, the more I learn about science, and the more I learn about how little I know, I realize that science can explain everything. In fact, when science fails to proffer an adequate explanation, the inadequacy lies with me and society, not with science.

When we don't yet understand a certain happenstance, it isn't science that is at fault, it is our understanding of scientific laws that are still lacking. As our understanding increases--basically, as we discover additional scientific truths--we realize there is a perfectly reasonable and scientific explanation. I find it interesting that we as humans resort to stories, myth, and the supernatural when we don't have a scientific explanation. Rather than be okay acknowledging a void or gap in our current understanding, we feel a compulsive need to fill it. Personally, I want to get comfortable with the gap. In fact, I'm going to write a post sometime about this idea of "Not Minding the Gap." To me, not minding the gap means I'm perfectly comfortable and okay not having an answer. In fact, I feel a calm peace trusting that time and greater understanding will eventually tell.

So here's to vivid mind visitations and my future explorations. I promise, like the early explorers who sailed off into uncharted seas, to return and report with my findings, facts, and discoveries!


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