I read once that Gandhi used to chant the words Rama, Rama, Rama under his breath throughout the day. Rama, Rama, Rama means God, God, God. Is it any wonder Gandhi was one of the most patient, loving men our planet has seen?
I don't know that I want to chant God, God, God all day as that doesn't really resonate with me, but chanting love, love, love, does so today I started it doing it and it has already paid off immeasurably. First, as I was driving to work this morning, I was chanting it as a truck cut me off. My thought was, "He must be in a hurry and I sometimes do that too," rather than, "What a butt!"
Furthermore, I was in a meeting today wherein I got my head bitten off by a guy in IT. It was super awkward and I wanted to tell him he was a Jack-Ass, but instead, I chanted, love, love, love, and stayed objective. He stopped by my office later today and apologized for his inappropriate behavior. Honestly, I was touched because his apology was sincere and I knew it took a lot for him to swallow his pride and ask for my forgiveness. I told him how much I appreciated him stopping to apologize and that he was forgiven.
I'm really excited to see continued fruits from this practice. The key for me will be to remember to do it consistently till it becomes a deeply ingrained habit. Love, love, love, in reality, is Rama, Rama, Rama, for God is Love and as you already know, Love is all you need!
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