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Parental Guidance

I may have overstepped my bounds, but I couldn't help sharing my two cents with a group of my girlfriends concerning parental guidance.

One of my friends wrote:

As for me.... I'm busy just doing my mom thing and crying a lot over lasts with my senior. 😂He's a little unsure about leaving for his mission immediately. Thinking he now wants to do a semester at school before going. I on the other hand spend a ton of time on my knees and in the Temple in his behalf so if you have extra time in your prayers.... please add him. He'd be an incredible missionary and would get in homes most others can't because people love him..... he just needs to see that in himself! So.... other than that.... just busy with life, but good and blessed! Love you all and grateful you're well and good! 

To which I replied:

OH I love your momma heart and your epic friend heart too! I will pray for you and your son, but you might wish I didn’t haha. . . I’m all about allowing . . I don’t ask for much these days because I realize I don’t know one bit about what is best for me nor for others. In fact, my word for 2018 is “ALLOW” I have found it is so much better for me when I let the universe unfold its epic plans. My job is pretty simple--Be Good. Do Good.—everything else falls into place.

Imagine that!?  Life has an amazing way of teaching us—and our children— what we—and they—need to know. I used to think it was my job to make sure my children made all the right choices. I decided a bit ago that this just isn’t so. Our children really need our love and support. A great example is always nice—as less talk and more action always trump preaching and pontificating.

Your boys are so incredible! They will bless lives wherever they go and along whatever timeline they choose. I pray that your son will search his soul and do what he ultimately feels is right for him —not what he feels others want him to do. I will pray—too— that you find peace with whatever he decides to do. We all have different paths and there really is no “ONE” “right” way. IMO all roads eventually lead to Rome. Twould be sad and extremely boring if we all trod the same path. Will be fun to see which beat your boy marches to. Let’s pray it’s the beat of his own, divine, drumming soul!  I’ll shut up now and peace out — Totally understand if you want to tell me to stick it or recant your request for me to pray.  xoxo

I wondered whether I should hit send or not, but closed my eyes and did it! The mother jokingly told me to "stick it," but then said just kidding and explained that she really just feels like she knows what is best for her son in this situation and he needs to go on a mission. Obviously, my ramblings missed their mark lol. What was fun was hearing that others agreed with me. One said, "I agree with Janelle, all roads lead to Rome." Another asked, "Janelle, when are you going to write a book?"

We continued our light banter and I dropped a funny expletive. My one friend replied, "I can't resist it when you swear Janelle (laughing so hard emoji)." To which I replied:

I know . . .It’s so naughty! I sometimes feel like there is an intelligent use of swear words  .. sometimes there isn’t another word that adequately conveys the sentiment so eloquently. Thank you for appreciating my devilish wit. Every time I exercise my agency to use an expletive, Spencer W Kimball’s quote “profanity is the attempt of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly” races through my mind and I think, President Kimball, you do not understand. . . My mind is not feeble. In fact, I consciously selected that swear word expressly to convey a point, pointedly." I am sure he understands. :)

I figured since I had already written a novel today via text, I might as well transfer it to my blog. If I could somehow help all parents realize the importance of simply loving and supporting their children and letting them learn their own life lessons in their own time and in their own way, I will feel accomplished. In fact, it's part of my emerging mission to elevate the spiritual consciousness of humanity. We are all one. All we need is love, and there is no one right way! I'll keep refining my thoughts. My preparations for sharing my message are not yet fully finished. I'm still deepening and discovering my thoughts. Plus, I cannot force my way of thinking on others or else I am guilty of the same sin I seek to erase. I must allow others to come to this realization themselves, and, fortunately, I can trust in life to do the teaching and the enlightening. 


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