Today's post about Don't Mind the Gap stems from yesterday's post about Vivid Mind Visitations. Toward the end of my post, I talked about the seemingly natural need for humans to fill voids. Basically, the human mind seems unable to handle a vacuum.
What is the compulsive need to be able to explain and understand everything? Why do we find uncertainty and ambiguity so scary? Why can't we become comfortable with not having answers? Why can't we be okay with saying, "I don't yet know what this or that means, or I don't know quite how to explain that, but I do know that a perfectly reasonable explanation does indeed exist, and I trust that one day I will understand perfectly what that explanation is, but for now, I'm not going to mind the gap--I'm going to be okay holding a void? In fact, this very void is what I'm going to use to hold a place for the understanding that is coming. Time will tell. Here's my poetic twist:
Arrive it must
and in its assured arrival
I do trust!
So people, please don't mind the gap! See your lack of understanding as simply a placeholder where knowledge will eventually reside. Resist the temptation to fill your voids with stories, myths and supernatural explanations. Science has the answers and truth in time, always prevails. Always. Our job is to simply prepare our hearts so that there is room enough to receive it when it comes. Room to receive. I like that. Fits right in with "Don't Mind the Gap!"
What is the compulsive need to be able to explain and understand everything? Why do we find uncertainty and ambiguity so scary? Why can't we become comfortable with not having answers? Why can't we be okay with saying, "I don't yet know what this or that means, or I don't know quite how to explain that, but I do know that a perfectly reasonable explanation does indeed exist, and I trust that one day I will understand perfectly what that explanation is, but for now, I'm not going to mind the gap--I'm going to be okay holding a void? In fact, this very void is what I'm going to use to hold a place for the understanding that is coming. Time will tell. Here's my poetic twist:
Arrive it must
and in its assured arrival
I do trust!
So people, please don't mind the gap! See your lack of understanding as simply a placeholder where knowledge will eventually reside. Resist the temptation to fill your voids with stories, myths and supernatural explanations. Science has the answers and truth in time, always prevails. Always. Our job is to simply prepare our hearts so that there is room enough to receive it when it comes. Room to receive. I like that. Fits right in with "Don't Mind the Gap!"
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