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My Thought Process

I'm amazed at the power of thought. Change your thoughts and you really will change your life. I was driving to work today dreading the tasks that laid ahead. I haven't, for a LONG time, had a dreadful feeling about going to work. It's not normal for me to feel this way as I'm usually excited to get to the office and attack my day.

So what did I do? Well, I simply noticed the dreadful thought and decided to change it. It was that simple. I'm not a fan of arguing with my thoughts--I realize they come and go. I am, however, a firm believer in discarding unwanted thoughts. My thought process goes like this:
  • Thoughts emerge
  • I notice them
  • I bring awareness to them and try to understand their genesis
  • I don't judge them as either good or bad, but I do decide whether it's a thought I want to run with or leave behind
  • If it's a thought I want to drop, I create a new thought to replace the spontaneously generated thought

I'm not a fan of letting thoughts that I don't intentionally create hijack my day. Heck, I'm not a fan of letting them hijack anything but the small moment it takes me to recognize them, acknowledge them, analyze them, and then consciously embrace or replace them. Most thoughts are non-sense, and not worth a second thought. However, I still find value in analyzing their genesis. For me, my thought process outlined above is fun, rewarding, and transformational.


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