I used to want to serve a mission for my church. That was back when I believed what I had been taught which was that our religion was the only true religion on the earth. I was instructed that it was our duty to share these gospel truths with all the world so that they too may be saved. When I believed that this was the case, there was nothing I wanted to do more than travel the earth preaching the restored gospel to all within earshot. Now that I know that this just isn't so, I have no desire to go. I don't believe that there is only one true religion on this earth. I believe that all religions are man-made organizations designed to help people draw closer to God and accomplish good. All religions contain some beautiful truths--they have to or else no one would be drawn to them. And all religions also contain their own flare and share of the doctrines of men. Additionally, all religions do much good and all religions do their fair share of harm. I favor no one organization over the other. I also fault no one for choosing to disaffiliate from them all or for choosing to never join the ranks in the first place. Beliefs are personal and I believe in allowing men and women to worship how, where or what they may.
Now, just because I don't want to serve a mission doesn't mean I can't support and encourage all those who still desire so to do. While I have no desire to stop any organization from their attempts to grow their ranks, I do wish to see people everywhere come to the realization that their organization isn't any more endorsed by God than any other. I prefer to see organized religions promoted and marketed as the man-made organizations and social clubs that they are. It doesn't do anyone a favor to pretend their organization is the ONE and ONLY endorsed by God. Although, as a marketer, I get that to be a very compelling USP (unique selling proposition). This type of claim should be regulated for it is highly misleading. Which makes me chuckle because I am not a fan of the FDA and all their regulations. So hopefully, as the masses become more enlightened, they will simply begin to recognize the "only true church" claims as the marketing hype that they are. Informed consumers is what I am for. And since I prefer to live my life placing my focus on what I am for rather than on what I am against, I find it very easy to still support my friends who are out serving missions. Rather than encourage them in their quest to gain new converts to their "only true church," I choose to encourage them in spreading love. Here are my latest words of wisdom to my friend serving a Mormon Mission who was feeling quite discouraged because no one is interested in hearing their message of salvation:
Hi Lady! So fun to read your email and hear about the neat experiences you are having. I just love how life has this epic way of teaching us all we need to know to learn and grow. Your companions and people you meet and teach are so blessed to have your incredible energy and love in their lives.
The world needs more missionaries sharing that message of truth. That is the kind of missionary work I'm enthused to do!
Now, just because I don't want to serve a mission doesn't mean I can't support and encourage all those who still desire so to do. While I have no desire to stop any organization from their attempts to grow their ranks, I do wish to see people everywhere come to the realization that their organization isn't any more endorsed by God than any other. I prefer to see organized religions promoted and marketed as the man-made organizations and social clubs that they are. It doesn't do anyone a favor to pretend their organization is the ONE and ONLY endorsed by God. Although, as a marketer, I get that to be a very compelling USP (unique selling proposition). This type of claim should be regulated for it is highly misleading. Which makes me chuckle because I am not a fan of the FDA and all their regulations. So hopefully, as the masses become more enlightened, they will simply begin to recognize the "only true church" claims as the marketing hype that they are. Informed consumers is what I am for. And since I prefer to live my life placing my focus on what I am for rather than on what I am against, I find it very easy to still support my friends who are out serving missions. Rather than encourage them in their quest to gain new converts to their "only true church," I choose to encourage them in spreading love. Here are my latest words of wisdom to my friend serving a Mormon Mission who was feeling quite discouraged because no one is interested in hearing their message of salvation:
Hi Lady! So fun to read your email and hear about the neat experiences you are having. I just love how life has this epic way of teaching us all we need to know to learn and grow. Your companions and people you meet and teach are so blessed to have your incredible energy and love in their lives.
Love that you are learning the power of getting specific. I always say, “Where the thoughts go, energy flows!” And I’m a firm believer that we can manifest anything in our lives with the power of intent. One of my life mantras is “Everything I need is already on its way.” And believe it or not, everything I need always arrives just in time. I am always amazed at how the universe, spirit, God, or whatever you want to call it, conspires so perfectly to ensure my life unfolds remarkably. Everything always is just as it should be.
Keep loving those good people for "All you need is love" (stole that from John Lennon ;).
One of my favorite Mother Teresa quotes is “I can do no great thing, only small things with great love.” And of course, "if you can’t feed a thousand people, then feed just one!” Jesus demonstrated this best as he made his ministry always about the “one.” Keep ministering Sister Missionary! ;)
And keep co-creating miracles with God. I love nothing more than loving others for when I love I am God, for “God is love.” Keep showing people God’s love through yours. And keep reminding them all that they are divine beings with infinite possibilities. Their past does not determine their future, and their future is always as bright as their faith!
Rock on beautiful! Xoxo
The world needs more missionaries sharing that message of truth. That is the kind of missionary work I'm enthused to do!
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