Hurry! Such a stressful word. I can't think of one good thing that comes out of being in a hurry! As a young mother, I learned quickly that trying to hurry my kids only resulted in tears for them and frustration for me. Simply hearing or saying the word "hurry" causes anxiety to well up inside.
I'm making a conscious effort to not use the word hurry. And I'm trying not to hurry myself nor others. When I hurry, I stress. When I hurry, I miss out on the beauty that surrounds me.
When I hurry, I focus on outcomes and I'm more inclined to run over others. I forget to enjoy the journey and I miss out on the power of now as I hurry right on through it.
There is great wisdom in slowing down, taking your time, being present, and ever mindful.
Goodbye hurry and goodby hectic. Hello sanity, awe, and enlightenment!
p.s. I'm finding that hurry can be eliminated with proper planning. I don't need to "hurry" across the street when I'm patient enough to wait for the road to be clear or I use the lighted cross-walk. I don't have to "hurry" the kids off to an appointment when I get everyone up a little earlier so they have plenty of time to prepare for departure. Hurry reminds me of worry in so many ways besides just sound. Both strip us of peace of mind and both, once eliminated, will never be missed.
Why are you in such a hurry? What are you so uneasy about that you feel you must hurry? Whenever you feel the urgent need to hurry, go within and try to figure out what is really going on.
I'm making a conscious effort to not use the word hurry. And I'm trying not to hurry myself nor others. When I hurry, I stress. When I hurry, I miss out on the beauty that surrounds me.
When I hurry, I focus on outcomes and I'm more inclined to run over others. I forget to enjoy the journey and I miss out on the power of now as I hurry right on through it.
There is great wisdom in slowing down, taking your time, being present, and ever mindful.
Goodbye hurry and goodby hectic. Hello sanity, awe, and enlightenment!
p.s. I'm finding that hurry can be eliminated with proper planning. I don't need to "hurry" across the street when I'm patient enough to wait for the road to be clear or I use the lighted cross-walk. I don't have to "hurry" the kids off to an appointment when I get everyone up a little earlier so they have plenty of time to prepare for departure. Hurry reminds me of worry in so many ways besides just sound. Both strip us of peace of mind and both, once eliminated, will never be missed.
Why are you in such a hurry? What are you so uneasy about that you feel you must hurry? Whenever you feel the urgent need to hurry, go within and try to figure out what is really going on.
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