Check it out. I've never used drugs, and I have no intention of ever trying them either. I have heard the term "tripping out," but until Ram Dass explained the experience in his book " Be Here Now " of using psychedelics, I had no idea what it meant. Ram Dass, formerly Professor Richard Alpert, became famous for his clinical study of psychedelics. He and several other Harvard professors experimented with using drugs to stimulate spiritual experiences and attain higher levels of consciousness. Professor Alpert wrote extensively about his "trips" under the influence and how his journeys led him to greater understanding. I really enjoyed reading his travelogue. It was fascinating to hear about the effects LDS, psyclobin, mushrooms, etc. had on his own and others' consciousness and awareness. Ram Dass explained how he learned more in 1 minute under the influence of psychedelics than he had come to comprehend in his entire 35 years. He had ma...